技能実習生制度は2027年に育成就労制度に変更されます The Technical Intern trainee system will be replaced by new regulations in 2027

See Blow For English


旧制度 – 技能実習


新制度 – 育成就労



厚生労働省や出入国管理局や法務省の資料により作成 https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/12000000/001231483.pdf・https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/001415280.pdf



English Version

On June 14th, 2024, The National Diet of Japan passed an amendment to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (日本の出入国管理及び難民認定法), bringing an end to the old Technical Intern Training System (技能実習生制度) and introducing a brand new framework. This new system, known as the training and employment System (育成就労制度), aims to focus more on talent acquisition and labours’ future development within Japan.

The old system

The Technical Intern Training System allowed foreign technical workers to stay in Japan for up to five years. However, there was no possibility of extending the duration of stay or changing jobs. The qualifications for this system were stringent, and the supervision was highly restricted under the Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT).

What has changed?

To put a solution to the shortage of workers and professionals in technical areas, the new system offers a simpler pathway to obtaining the specified skilled worker visa, with only 3 years of stay and when obtained qualified skills. Moreover, it provides the flexibility to change jobs if there is a justifiable reason and with the worker’s intention.

Under the new system, the qualification requirements have been changed. Workers now can qualified with a Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N5 or an equivalent level. Additionally, the supervision system has become more reasonable, involving organizations of foreign specified skilled workers rather than strictly government-approved entities. This change increases the potential for foreign workers to build long-term careers in Japan.

厚生労働省や出入国管理局や法務省の資料により作成 https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/12000000/001231483.pdf・https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/001415280.pdf

Impact on the Technical Trainee Community

The transition from the Technical Intern Training System to the Specified Skilled Worker System marks a significant shift in Japan’s approach to foreign labor. This new system not only simplifies the visa acquisition process but also offers greater flexibility and support for foreign workers. The ability to change jobs and extend the duration of stay means that foreign workers can now envision longer-term career prospects in Japan, which was previously not possible. This shift is expected to attract more skilled workers to Japan, thereby addressing labor shortages in technical fields. For the existing technical trainee community, this change provides an opportunity to transition into more stable and long-term roles, enhancing their career development and integration into Japanese society.


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